Digital pressure switch - in development
Due for release Q3 2022
Currently in last stages of development and we are looking for Beta sites to trial and give feedback. Reach out via contact us to register interest.
This is has been developed to be a direct replacement for Sirai pressure 3 pole pressure switches that can be retrofitted to any machine fitted with a mechanical pressure switch.
Why the concept?
Mechanical pressure switches have a short and varied life span. And there is a real opportunity to do better.
What makes is better?
The huge advantage of utilizing electronic switching is the ability to create a new level of control. Most cafe machine will spend half of their life cycle in an idle state heating unnecessarily, the economy cycle will reduce power consumption by 25 - 40% depending on the the application and use of cafe. Mechanical pressure regulation is often also very clunky and the spikes between duty cycle can be quite varied. Digital control has much greater accurancy. This will give greater stability of steam pressure which in turn will gives more accurate coffee temperature in thermo syphon applications.
Metrics and data?
Using Wifi to report back to a central point, we can have ability to monitor how the machine is operating. Feedback of current consumption, and understand peak loads of use. Ability to see real data of what a machine is doing and report element failures.
- layers Catalog
- Product delevopment R&D